
af•ford•a•bil•i•ty, noun
bear the cost of without serious inconvenience,
to manage without risking serious consequences

Today’s homebuyers are looking for a home that they can afford to buy and live in, and that will retain its value over time. Homes built by Values That Matter™ builders address these concerns by starting with home designs that are efficient to build. They choose low maintenance exterior materials
and high quality appliances and equipment to minimize the maintenance budget and allow more time for leisure and family activities. A strong warranty program delivers the home in top condition and corrects any problems during the warranty period.

The key to high resale value is to start with a good value proposition. The whole focus of the Values That Matter™ program is creating outstanding value for the homeowner through superior design and consistent execution. Strong builder relationships with financial institutions and the Realtor® community help the homebuyer find the right mortgage package and assist in selling their existing home.